- For expelling worms from the body.
- Cures biliousness or congestion of the liver.
- Cures ulcers and leprosy and is used for fractures.
- Helps in rheumatism.
- Helps in curing heart diseases and ear complaints.
- Cures diseases of the blood, bronchitis and tuberculosis.
- Promotes the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
- Helps in increasing the secretion of milk in lactating mothers.
- Helps in soothing the alimentary tract and relieving inflammation and is also used for coughs.
- Cures orchitis or the inflammation of the testes.
- Cures piles and is good for skin diseases.
- The decoction of the bark is used to take care of the first 3 ailments listed under Medicinal use.
- The milky latex of the tree is used externally to relieve rheumatic pains.
- The decoction of the flowers is used to cure heart diseases, ear complaints, coughs and inflammation; promotes removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes; soothe the alimentary tract.
- The decoction of the fruit takes care of heart diseases, ear complaints, diseases of the blood, bronchitis and tuberculosis.
- The decoction of the seeds helps in increasing the secretion of milk in lactating mothers.
- The dried flowers are used as a fomentation to take care of Orchitis.
- The flowers fried in ghee or clarified butter are eaten by persons suffering from piles.
The bark, latex, flowers, fruits and seeds.
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