Coriander is an annual plant, with erect stem, 30 to 90 cm high. It is a garden seasoning herb. This herb has been known for thousands of years and is cultivated everywhere. The plant is bright green, and the smell is pleasant. The seeds are clustered and fall as soon as they are ripe.

Medicinal Use:
  • Promotes flow of urine. 
  • For the expelling of gases, flatulence and griping pains from the stomach and bowels 
  • Promotes menstrual flow. 
  • Strengthens and gives tone to the stomach. 
  • Gives tone and vitality to the body 
  • Indigestion, discomfort or pain. 
  • Good for asthma and acute abdominal pain. 
  • Cough and bronchitis. 
  • Kidney problems and epilepsy. 
  • Jaundice, gout and rheumatism. 
  • Sores, ulcers, boils, sprains and swellings. 
  • Sore throat, headache and urino-genital disorders. 
How to use:
  • The juice of the leaves is recommended for dyspepsia or indigestion, discomfort or pain, for asthma, abdominal pain, cough, bronchitis, kidney problems, epilepsy, jaundice, gout and rheumatism. 
  • The juice acts as a good ointment when applied externally for sores, ulcers, boils, sprains and swellings. 
  • The heated leaves applied externally relieves sore throat. 
  • Application of the fresh pounded leaves relieves headache. 
  • The decoction of the leaves is a good remedy for urino-genital disorders. 

Parts used:
The leaves.

In the case of extracted juice, one should administer 1 tablespoon every hour for adults but only 3 to 4 teaspoons a day for children. For external application, use as needed. The decoction should be prepared as per the instructions given in p. 153 of this book.
