Indian Pennywort is a common creeping herb, rooting at the nodes. The leaves are kidney-shaped, mildly-toothed and palmately nerve. The pinkish red flowers are in clusters of 3-6. The fruits are minute with 7-9 ridges on them. It grows in gardens and damp uncultivated areas.

Medicinal use:
  • Alters the process of nutrition and excretion and restores normal functioning of the body.
  • Promotes the flow of urine.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Gentle laxative.
  • Purifies the blood.
  • Soothes the nerves.
  • Is a local stimulant.
  • Treatment of the leprosy, skin diseases, chronic inflammation of the skin,
  • Chronic ulcers, contagious sores, chronic rheumatism and piles.
  • Externally used to cure abnormal swellings and inflammations and internally to check fever.
  • For relief from dysentery.
  • As a tonic for improving memory.
  • Good for hair growth and checks hair fall.
How to use:
  • The decoction or infusion of the plant is used for leprosy, skin disease, chronic inflammation of the skin, chronic ulcers, contagious sores, chronic rheumatism and piles. 
  • The juice, extracted from the plant, applied externally is used for abnormal swellings of various parts of the body, and for inflammations. The juice is also taken internally to check fever, in doses of 5 drops in water a day. 
  • The dry powdered leaves of the plant is good for tuberculosis and the recommended dose is two tablespoons every 2 hours. 
  • Externally used as a lotion, the decoction of the plant is very good for falling hair and baldness. 
  • Extraction from the leaves can also be mixed with coconut oil and applied on the head before bath and as a regular hair oil. This strengthens the hair follicles and promotes hair growth. 

Parts used:
The whole plant.

