The Roselle is an erect herbaceous annual with straight, prickly stems. The plant grows to height of 4 metres. The lower leaves may be entire or heart shaped but the upper leaves are deeply palmate with 3 to 7 lobes. The yellow flowers which have a crimson or purple centre are found in the axils of the leaves. The fruit are capsules which are round and covered with a persistent crimson coloured calyx and contain brown seeds inside. The seeds yield an oil which is used for the manufacturing of soap, linoleum, paints and varnishes. It may be used for edible purposes after refining. The tender leaves and succulent persistent calyx which have a sour taste are prepared and eaten in various forms. The plant bears good fibre which is used by the local folk for making ropes and nets to trap animals.

Medicinal use:
  • For strengthening and giving tone to the stomach.
  • As an appetizer and also for curing earache.
  • Dysentery and diseases of the blood and throat.
  • Pains and bruises.
  • Checks excessive secretion of the bile leading to biliousness or congestion of the liver with acidity.
  • As a purgative.
How to use:
  • The decoction of the seeds will strengthen and give tone to the stomach, cure ear ache and is used as an appetizer.
  • The decoction or infusion of the leaves is used for dysentery and diseases of the blood and throat.
  • The crushed seeds are applied externally as a remedy for pains and bruises.
  • Ten grams of the juice of the flowers mixed with a small quantity of sugar for taste and 3 or 4 crushed black peppercorns is a popular remedy for biliousness with acidity.
  • The leaf infusion acts as a good purgative.
Part used
The leaves. Flowers and seeds.

