Tapioca or cassava is a well-known plant in the southern states of India. It is also quite popular in Malawi and other countries in Africa. The plant is propagated easily by stem cuttings. The edible tuberous roots of the plant are cooked and prepared in a variety of ways and relished by the local people. The tubers are also used for making starch and sago. The starch is used for the preparation of adhesives, cosmetics, puddings, biscuits, and confectionery items. The herbaceous plant grows to height of 0.9 to 2.7 metres and the 3 to 7 deeply parted palmate leaves add to the beauty of the plant. The flowers are white or cream coloured and the capsule is winged.

Medicinal use:
  • Ulcers
  • Skin rashes.
  • Skin itchiness.

How to use:
  • The fresh tubers are made into a poultice and applied onto the ulcers.
  • For skin rashes, the power of dry tubers may be applied externally on the affected parts.
  • For skin itchiness, a starch bath is very helpful. Use two glasses of tapioca starch powder (1/2 glass for babies and children). Mix the starch in cold water and pour the contents into a tub or bucket. The affected part is to be immersed for 20 minutes. Do not wash it out. Pat dry with a dry towel. Repeat every day till one is cured.

​Parts used:
Only the tuberous roots.
