​The Palmyra palm is a tall tree and grows to about 20 metres in height with a straight trunk. It is popularly known as the primary source of toddy, which is used as a beverage in tropical Asia.

Medicinal use:
  • To restore consciousness.
  • To expel worms from the body.
  • Promotes flow of urine.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra, and in respiratory ailments.
  • Checks gastric ailments.
  • Stops bleeding from external wounds.
  • Diabetes, gangrenous and painless ulcers, boils and other skin problems.
  • Antidote for poisoning.
How to use:
  • The decoction of the root is used to restore normal physiological activities, expel worms from the body, promote flow of urine and check respiratory ailments.
  • The juice extracted from the leaves relieves gastric ailments.
  • The bloom that is produced on the base of the leaves is used for the clotting of blood in external wounds.
  • The juice from the flowering stalks is given in case of diabetes.
  • Mixed with boiled rice, the juice mentioned above forms a good base poultice. After fermentation, it is placed on gangrenous and painless ulcers, boils and over other skin problems.
  • The sugar of the palm is used as an antidote for poisoning. It is also given in case of chronic inflammation.
Parts used:
The roots, leaves and the flowering stalk.

