Holarrhena, also called the Ester Tree, is deciduous shrub-like tree which quite common in hilly tracts in India. As the botanical name correctly suggests, the plant is widely used the local medicine to cure dysentery and large number of other ailments. The leaves of the tree which are 10 to 20 cm long are placed opposite to each other. They are ovate or oblong, thin and obtuse. The odorless flowers are white in color. The follicles or pods are found in pairs and ARE 20 to 38 cm long.

​Medicinal use:
  • The expel worms from the body.
  • Amoebic dysentery, diarrhoea, fever, leprosy, skin diseases, diseases of the spleen and biliousness or congestion of the liver, headache, to strengthen gums, lessen inflammation, to strengthen and give tone to the stomach, to prevent or reduce fever.
  • As an appetizer and to cure diseases of the blood and leukoderma.
  • Takes the pains, to cure erysipelas, a contagious subcutaneous skin disease caused by haemolytic streptococcus, to take care of fatigue and hallucinations.
  • An agent for the expelling the gases, flatulence and griping pains from the stomach and bowels, for asthma and colic or acute abdominal pain.
  • An agent which increases the secretion of milk, to give tone and vitality to the body, remove pain in the muscles, for chronic bronchitis, lumbago or pain in the lumbar region, boils, ulcers, wounds and to regulate menstruation. 

How to use:
  • The decoction of the bark, flowers or seeds will expel worms from the body.
  • The decoction of the bark will take care of all the dis order listed in point 2 of Medicinal use.
  • The infusion of the flowers is used as an appetizer and also to cure diseases of the blood, and leukoderma.
  • The decoction of the seeds will take care of section 4 and 5 under Medicinal use.
  • The infusion of the leaves will increase the secretion of milk in lactating mothers, give tone and vitality to the body, remove pain in the muscles, cure chronic bronchitis, lumbago or pain in the lumbar region, boils, ulcers, wounds, and regulate menstruation. 

Parts used
The bark, leaves, flowers and seeds.
