This tree is normally found growing along streams rivers. It grows to the height of 15 to 18 metres. The leaves are ovate – oblong and tapering to a bluntish point at apex, with entire margins and shiny leaf surfaces when mature. The fruit which are really receptacles with the short stalks are found in clusters on the trunk and branches of the tree. They are round in shape and pink or red in colour, when ripe.

Medicinal Use of Cluster Fig:
  • By lactating mothers to increase the secretion of milk.
  • For curing asthma.
  • To give tone and vitality to the body.
  • Checks the congestion of the liver, leucorrhoea and blood issues.
  • To check leprosy, menorrhagia or excessive bleeding during menstruation, nose bleeding for expelling intestinal worms.
  • For curing bronchitis.
  • Cures dry cough, laryngitis, diseases of the kidney and spleen.
  • Piles, diarrhoea and cancer.
  • Glandular enlargements.
  • Diabetes and gonorrhea.
How to use:
  • The decoction of the bark given to take care of the first 2 conditions under Medicinal use.
  • The decoction of the unripe fruit given to take care of the 3rd and 4th sections under Medicinal use.
  • The decoction of the ripe fruit is given to take care of the 5th point under Medicinal use.
  • The decoction leaves is given for curing bronchitis.
  • The decoction of the ripe fruits is given to cure dry cough, laryngitis, diseases of the kidney and spleen.
  • The latex is admistered in piles and diarrhoea. The latex, in combination with sesamum oil help check cancer.
  • The external application of the latex helps in checking glandular enlargement.
  • The sap of the root is used to cure diabetes.
  • A mixture of 40 grams of the latex with cumin seeds and a pinch of sugar is used to cure gorrhoea.
Parts use:
The bark, unripe and ripe fruit, leaves, latex and sap of the root.
