Mulberry is quite a popular shrub which grows up to 10 metres high with a picturesque appearance, spreading its branches wider than its height. The fruits is oblong, red, short-stalked berry, which turns purple-black when ripe. It is very juice and sweet. It can be grown easily in the backyard by putting stem cuttings in the ground. Sericulturists depend on the mulberry plants to feed their silkworms with the leaves and in turn obtain silk from the silkworm cocoons.

Medicinal Use of Black Mulberry:
  • Nutritive.
  • Lowers body heat
  • A laxative.
  • Expels worms from the body.
  • Convalescence and anaemia.

How to use:

  • The consumption of the ripe fruits provides nutrition and lowers body heat. The ripe fruit is a laxative.
  • The bark of the tree is used for expulsion of worms.
  • The fruit is recommended for cooling the body. The juice is a good drink for convalescents and for anaemics.

Parts used:

The bark and the fruit.


20 grams of the bark for 1 litre of water in decoction. Use 1 cupful before breakfast. Fruit is to be taken in its natural form.
