​The Sweet Basil plant is erect, branched, slightly hairy, and very aromatic. It reaches about 1 metre in height. It grows in open waste lands. The leaves are ovate to oblong-ovate, entire or somewhat toothed. The flowers are purplish or pink, in racemes up to 15 cm long. The strong and pleasant odour is a typical characteristics.

Medicinal use of Sweet Basil:
  • Helps in relieving gas from stomach or intestines and stimulates appetite.
  • To prevent or cure a sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles.
  • Can be used to increase the secretion of milk during the period of mother’s lactation. Also used to treat the affected mammary gland.
  • It is used to strengthen and give tone to the stomach.
  • Helps in the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
  • Soothes and protects the alimentary tract and relieves inflammation.
  • Can be used for the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and even chronic constipation.
  • It is sometimes used for the cure of whooping cough.
  • Against bowel complaints in children.
  • Treatment of intestinal problems, stomach cramps and vomiting.

How to use:

  • The roots of the plant can be used for bowel complaints in children.
  • The decoction of the leaves or the crushed seeds can be applied as a compress on the nipple of the mammary gland while mother is breast feeding. This is to treat the affected gland.
  • A syrup can be prepared from the root for the treatment of tuberculosis of the lungs.
  • For all other complaints listed, the decoction of the leaves is to be used.

Parts used
The leaves, seeds and roots.

